Assessment of the feasibility to reintroduce Angolan giraffe (Giraffa giraffa angolensis) into Iona National Park, Angola focusing on habitat and social suitability

On the 15th of April, Jackson Hamutenya supervised by Professor Morgan Hauptfleisch (BRC, NUST), Dr Vera De Cauwer (NUST) and Dr Julian Fennessy (GCF) has successfully accomplished his master’s thesis entitled “Assessment of the feasibility to reintroduce Angolan giraffe (Giraffa giraffa angolensis) into Iona National Park, Angola focusing on habitat and social suitability”. His study demonstrated that it would be feasible to reintroduce Angolan giraffe back to its former range due to the suitability of the area; presence of sufficient amounts and diversity of preferred forage and generally a positive attitude of local inhabitants towards receiving giraffe.